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A Greek Attic lekythos with single handle. The body is decorated in black-figure technique with two charioteers racing. The rearmost figure is depicted bearded and wearing a cloak which billows behind in the speed of the chase, whilst the leading charioteer stands more upright, wearing a hat and holding goads. Incised details to the chariot wheels and horses. A band of checkerboard pattern above, with tongue and ray decoration around the neck and shoulders. Attributed to the Haimon Group, part of a prolific workshop active at the beginning of the 5th century BC.


Attica: Circa 500-450 BC.


Condition: Very Fine; complete and intact; with minor surface chips and some accretion.

Height 18.6 cms (7.3 ins)


Provenance: Ex ADA member. Previously P.A. collection, Hertfordshire, acquired in the 1990's. Compare Classical Art Research Centre Oxford University item link.

Attica Greek lekythos with chariot race scene

SKU: Y068

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