Light red terracotta with well-preserved remains of the coloured paint. Mummy-shaped with a tripartite wig and crossed hands. Hieroglyphic inscription on the front for Amunmose, head of the Great House of Amun.
Egyptian New Kingdom, 1570 - 1081 BC.
Height 15.3 cms (6 ins).
Very Fine condition: A professional repair across the centre (practically invisible).
Provenance: Ex collection Dr. Karl von Seeger, acquired before 1970.
Ushabti figure, also spelled shabti or shawabty, are the small statuettes that are often found in ancient Egyptian tombs. Their purpose was to act as a magical substitute for the deceased owner when the gods requested him to undertake menial tasks in the afterlife; the word ushabti is usually translated as "answerer."
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SKU: K519
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